
¡Hola, bienvenido al blog! Mi nombre es Nadja Villegas y soy profesora de español desde hace más de 12 años. Nací y viví la mayor parte de mi vida en Perú, pero ahora vivo y trabajo en Madrid. Dicto clases de español presenciales y online a estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades y con diferente experiencia en aprendizaje de lenguas. Siempre estoy buscando la mejor manera de ayudarles a lograr sus objetivos y una manera de hacerlo es creando materiales que les faciliten aprender.

Este blog es una muestra de materiales online creados para diferentes alumnos. Es un blog abierto y si has llegado hasta él, estás invitado a leerlo, usarlo o comentar. Si tienes alguna pregunta o comentario, no dudes es ponerte en contacto conmigo.

Hi, welcome to the blog! My name is Nadja Villegas and I'm a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language. I've been working as a teacher of Spanish for the last 12 years. I was born and lived most of my life in Perú, but now I live and work in Madrid. I give face-to-face lessons and online lessons to students of different nationalities and with different language learning experience. I'm always looking for the best way to help them achieve their goals, and one way to do that is to create materials that let them learn in an easier way.

This blog is a sample of online material made for different students. It's an open blog and if you have found us searching in internet, you're invited to read it, use it or comment on. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me.

Are you looking for online classes? You can senda me an e-mail me on this blog. I'll answer as soon as possible.

You can find my professional profile in Linkedin:

Nadja en Linkedin

If you are a Spanish total beginner, you can find material to learn the basics in Spanish in this blog:

Basic Spanish audios and texts

You cand find me too in Pinterest: 
